
Testimonials and reviews from practice members of their experience at UMOYA Chiropractic.


We see a wide variety of people in our community with different health goals. Here is a collection of testimonials and reviews from happy practice members. As you will see experiences ranges from resolution of pain complaints, improved awareness of their bodies, improved athletic functioning, better sleep and a whole lot more. How will Neuro-Functional Chiropractic assist you in supporting your health development?


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I don't typically write about my health issues on LinkedIn, however today is the second 'birthday' for the UMOYA Chiropractic 'practice' here in Maastricht, Netherlands. Congratulations to Johan!

I am celebrating with Johan as he literally changed my quality of life and my entire view of how to manage my body. 5 years ago I suffered a back injury from bike time trial racing and over the following 4 and a bit years I saw numerous physios and doctors who were unable to really help relieve the pain and the damage that had been causing me years of sleepless nights and daily pain.

Johan's professional assessment, holistic view and treatment plan literally straightened me out. So thank you Johan and if you are in the Maastricht region, I recommend Johan and his UMOYA skills to you if you need not only a chiropractor, but also someone who can also sort out your body and well being. The guy is a wizard!

Hugh (via LinkedIn)

I am incredibly happy with the care I've received through Umoya Chiropractic. Johan is professional, kind and very competent at what he does. He first did a thorough neurological and physical exam of the state of my body and mapped out where my issues might stem from, and then based on his findings (which he also explained in detail both in person and through a document he gave me), he suggested a treatment plan for me.

I really feel that his way of combining the purely analytical together with a holistic and intuitive approach, definitely is the way to go for chiropractic and neuropsychological care. He not only does corrections and tells me what to do and what not to do, but he seems to care a lot about listening to what I and my body have to say and then adjusts his treatments accordingly.

Even though I still have quite the way to go to regain harmony in my physical body, already after a few months I have experienced a big shift in my symptoms, which at times have been quite severe. I look forward to continuing treatments with him and would warmly recommend him to anyone.


My experiences at Johan are very positive.

My shoulder complaints have been corrected, my posture and overall health have improved.
Unlike others, Johan does not look specifically at the complaint, but controls the functioning of the body as a whole. Thanks to this approach, I am not only rid of my complaints but I now also understand why certain complaints have arisen and how I can prevent them in the future.

After the first investigation, Johan compiled a treatment plan based on his findings and then discussed this with me. Because of this I knew at all times where I stood and what I could expect.

I can certainly recommend UMOYA Chriopractic.


Johan understands his profession and is very skilled. He is also very pleasant to deal with and his way of treating, I also experience as very pleasant.
I come for various pain complaints (including neck, back, pelvis and knee) in which Johan traces the cause and treats it. Previously also successfully treated for headaches / migraines. I can Umoya chiropractic highly recommend!


Thanks to the treatment and tips of this chiropractor I have a lot less headache - which is caused by a stiff upper back and neck. Chiropractor knows you personally and deals well with what has been said and done the previous times. In addition, the treatments are robust as you would expect from a chiropractor, but never rough. Glad I ended up with Johan Engelbrecht!


Despite my 'relatively' young age, I had been walking around with ankle, knee and hip problems for years, and over time migraine, headache, neck and back complaints were added. To feel pain had become normal. Johan's treatment plan has not only improved my life, but I have also become more aware of my posture and I've come out physically so much stronger! I can advise UMOYA Chiropractic to everyone, even if you are not specifically bothered by anything!


"I deeply appreciate Johan's amazing support to maintain my health. I can feel more energetic, and run and exercise more. Thanks!"

"Chiropractic helps me address (the) root cause of a chronic problem instead of only symptoms"

"Chiropractic helps me to unwind once I get home and move more freely. Johan helped me and my anxiety."

"Chiropractic helps me to finally not have to crack parts of my body daily. After six years I can function again."

"Chiropractic helps me feel connected with my body and sleep better at night, move more easily too!"

"Chiropractic helps me to keep myself healthy and keep it that way!"

"Chiropractic helps me to breathe easier"

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